Coming Soon!
We’re always cooking something in the OHPFstory kitchen! (Release dates will be available upon the resolution of the current WGA strike.)
Fresh storytelling to give hope and relief in the complex world we all live in.
Darker stories on the spectrum of dread and ultimate challenge.
Untitled Poetry Compilation
A highlight reel of the low moments during the end of a souring relationship. A hearty spectrum of poetry which takes no prisoners.
Untitled Young Adult High School Graduation Novella
A small town celebrates their high school’s annual graduation. The challenges begin when everything is flipped on its side and you won’t why!
Untitled Adult Contemporary Literary Fiction Novel
On its easiest day, any marriage has its tough spots. When jagged rocks are what formed the marriage in the first place, you’re in for a jolting ride all the way through. An exploration of a particular relationship that burns deep with loving passion and questionable desires, here’s a new story that will have you asking yourself what truly means most to you in this life.